Thursday, July 30, 2009

Malware on the Rise

A Malware is a program that behaves like a virus. These software programs are pretty annoying and sometimes destructive if continues to run.

What are the signs that you have a any in your system?
  • your pc slows down as it do normally

  • you cannot access popular websites, ex. yahoo, google, FB, etc.

  • a popup appeared that says you are infected, infiltrated, unsecure, etc.

  • ...and many other tactics to invade your PC

What to do?
  • Use firefox: I am a fan. It restricts running activeX application. ActiveX is a program that runs using your browser. It could do a lot of things depending on the program application.

  • Disable pop-ups: These are the ones that asks consent to run a malicious program.

  • put adblock addon: more info here.

And finally install and run the following FREE programs:
  1. Combofix
  2. MalwareBytes
  3. Super Antispyware
  4. A-Squared Antimalware
  • the anti malware programs are the free version
  • keep a good antivirus (I commend ESET or Kaspersky)
  • do not active all the programs at one time.
  • Use it only when needed (regular maintenance ans check up)
  • after the scan, check if the infected files are really infected (false positive)
  • make a habit to regularly scan your PC
That's it, have a safe computing and thanks for reading!

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