Monday, December 03, 2007

Nice to have - Nokia N95

This item is one on my nice to have list, but keeping on mind that 'buy what you need and not what you want' fact and no budget for that mentality, I can still live with my Motorola RAZR that can still serve its purpose.

I am just putting this item on my gadget line up. It is currently twice the price of Apple iPhone for reasons that I am not so much aware of. Although there are already reviews and direct comparison, I am a fan of Symbian OS and familiar with its 'user friendly' menus. That is why my preference is still with Nokia. Another reason is the 5 Megapixel photos and the built in GPS. Yes, the Apple iPhone has a very good screen size and resolution but I am not fond of listening to portable movies and music.

Besides the main function of these gadget is to make and recieve calls, in that aspect Nokia has the edge since it is a quad band enabled meaning you can roam to other countries without a problem. Youll never get lost too, since you have a GPS, just need to use a little common sense, a sense that is not common to all!

So that's it, Im sticking to N95! (at least for now...)

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