Friday, April 24, 2009

my new favorite

is the Studio XPS 13!

These are the my reasons.
  1. Relatively small display screen. At 13" it is a sweet size, anything bigger than that, ill go for a desktop.
  2. back-lighted keyboard, if you like to stay on facebook late at night, this feature may come in handy.
  3. Latest, fastest processor available for a laptop at this category.
  4. Edge to edge display makes cleaning a breeze
What I don't like:
  1. Obstructed vent, due to display hinge design
  2. Slot DVD drive, I still prefer the drawer type since I have a few smaller size DVD camcorder discs.
  3. *EXPENSIVE* at a price level of US$1500, this is the turn off.
I'll buy it at the outlet website when my current laptop raises a white flag. A few days ago, this item was priced at about US$700 with Dell coupon. may still bring down the price when this item hits mainstream.