Friday, October 31, 2008

Special message from Cities I've Visited



Cities I've Visited []

Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:32 PM

Subject: Special message from Cities I've Visited


This email was sent by Cities I've Visited.


Hi Alex,

Just as you use Facebook to stay connected to your friends, now we're asking you to connect to some great causes - in a way that can really make a difference.

On November 12th, we'll be donating $1 million to 5 charities. Here's where you and your friends come in. We need you to help us decide how to split the gift. With just a simple vote, you can support a great cause.

You've probably pinned some of the places these charities help on your map. Each group is doing amazing work to help people and communities around the world. Voting takes only a moment, so please speak up for a good cause.

Vote now!

The Cities I've Visited Team at TripAdvisor

Help TripAdvisor Decide How to Donate $1 Million

TripAdvisor is donating $1 million to five great causes and I just voted on how the money should be split up - can you help out and vote too?

read more | digg story

Web Service Closings

I got several online hangouts that did not succeed on their endeavors. For what reason, I don't know, perhaps failure to generate enough revenue to support themselves or it is not attractive enough to advertisers.

They are:

Ringo: http://www.ringo .com

As of June 30, 2008 their services ended

MSN Groups:

MSN groups service will end on February 2009. They are transferring their service to Multiply. MSN groups website offer migration process for current account managers.

AOL Pictures:

ALO pictures is closing their service by the end of this year, December 31, 2008, They had partnered with American Greetings Photoworks to continue the service but you have to transfer your pictures. OLS website is offering assistance on transferring your photos.

There are also other sites that didn't succeed AFAIK, a lot in fact. But I know only those that I happen to join. One such casualty is Narple. Although there are failure, there are also successes, most of them are social start up that evolved to a multi functional fun to browse with webpages.