Friday, May 30, 2008

Free Dictionary using Firefox

Did you ever happen to come to a halt reading because you don't know what the word means?

Enter Word Web and Word Web Online.
There are two ways to get this free dictionary. Either get the program and install it on your computer or the online version which can be incorporated in firefox search.

Download the program here

Here's how to do the online version in firefox.

1. Get Firefox here

2. Using firefox browser, go to Word Web Online website here

3. Add the wordweb item on firefox search by clicking on the search select button. See figure below.
word web screen shot

That's it, enjoy!
This might not be the best solution but it is enough for me. On the otherhand, it's free what can beat that.

Thanks for reading

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Install Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)

Did you know that you can update your Windows XP to service pack 3?

Heres how:
1. Download the install file from ZDnet here.
2. Close all your running programs. If you can stop any not needed process, that would help.
3. Install the executable file that you just downloaded.
4. Restart windows

That's it, you got WXP SP3!

It works seamlessly on my machine. My installation process took about 15-17 minutes, I have a single core 2Ghz laptop. You may encounter other issues but thankfully, the installation process has created a restore point that you can fall back if something goes wrong.

For further reading, here's an article from
